Poem for Kids to Recite for Valentines Day Funny Valentine Poems
Valentine is the day when people celebrate and honour their love; however, it is also a good opportunity for the boys who are in love to impress or even declare his love to his special woman.
In love, you sometimes have special feelings for someone but you are not sure if they feel like you. In this case, you will not be brave enough to declare your feelings by straight words or a romantic situation, because he or she does not like you, it may make them feel embarrassed and unintentionally hurt you, especially the way they think of you is not completely the same as you thought.
Valentine's Day, with an unrequited love, you may want to write or search and send to him or her a cute and humorous poem – a Valentine poem with gentle and sweet feelings to find out if the person had feelings for you. In this way, you can send your feelings to them without fear of them being embarrassed, you will not be hurt if this person is not interested in your feelings.
We have 10 cute, funny and very lovely Valentine's Day poems here. These are great poems which can speak for your emotional words. Hopefully you will find a cute Valentine poem that fits your love!

1, Stuck On You © Kenneth J. Miller
You're sucrose, you're glucose,
You're fructose and more,
From your head to your feet…
Which are stuck to the floor.
You're Hershey's, you're Snickers,
You're sweet English Toffee.
If you spit in my cup,
You'll just sweeten my coffee.
I love you so much
That I'm getting frenetic,
But I can't even kiss you,
'cause I'm diabetic.
2, A Redneck Valentine's Day Poem © Denise Scott
Collards is green, yer eyes ain't blue
I am so lucky to have a darlin' like you.
Ya kin strip a motor in just few minutes
And still have time to go hunt supper and even skin it.
We go together like a skunk and stink
Ever time I see ya my eye starts to wink.
Yer love fer me is like a roll of duct tape
Ya hold me together each time I break.
I love it when ya burp and fart
It's music to my ears that soothes my heart.
And the sound of ya snorin' right in my ear
Always brings to my eye a big ol' tear.
Yer hair is soft like a dogs hairy knees
But I'm sure happy you ain't got no fleas!
Yer chest is so purty and so is yer mouth
And I can't even tell ya how I love what is south.
On them special occasions when you shave yer beard
And clean all that hair from outta your ears
I wanna take out and show ya off to the crowd
Cuz when we go to town ya make me feel real proud.
At night when ya hold me real, real tight like ya do
I can smell on yer breath the scent of yer chew.
I love yer kisses, ain't none no wheres finer
Ya taste like the road kill down at the diner.
I'd go to the Walmart for Valentine's Day
But I got this bad itch that just won't go away.
So I ordered a special gift just for you
It's a purty ol' used motor from Evinrude!
3, Candy Love © Terra Mobley
Fly away with me my dove
To a forbidden place where the skittles meet the rainbow
Lay under the milky way with me
And lets gaze at the star burst together
Just you and me, sweet bliss
When the moon begins to eclipse we'll be in each others arms
I never knew how much of a sweet tart you could be
There are zero people like you
Your my lifesaver in this unforgiving world
I love all your little snickers
And I feel safe when you wrap your butterfingers around me
I want to share all of your kisses
Now and later, always and forever
Your all the payday I'll ever need
I wouldn't trade you for 100 grand
All because I love my sweet gummy bear
4, Daddy I Love You © Claire Anderson
Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'Cause you love me, too.
You help me, but sometimes,
need me to teach you to play.
So smile 'cause I love you
On this Valentines Day!
5, Be My Valentine © Elver B
Please be my valentine
I will open for you the door
I will take your coat for you
I will let you have the remote
I will let you touch my phone
I will let you choose the hotel
I will let you pick my clothes
I will hold your hand as we walk
I will pull your chair for you
I will let you order first
I will look in your eyes
I will take your hand into mine
I will make sure you smile
then I will let you pay the bill
6, Won't You? © Shel Silverstein
Barbara's eyes are blue as azure,
But she is in love with Freddy.
Karen's sweet, but Harry has her.
Gentle Jane is going steady.
Carol hates me. So does May.
Abigail will not be mine.
Nancy lives too far away…
Won't you be my Valentine?
7, Someone I Know © Lily V. Tran
There's someone I know
Who I really can't stand
I wish he would bury his
Head in the sand or
Move to the moon or
Deeper out of space
Whenever I see him
I make a weird face
Today during recess
Outside the yard
He suddenly gave me
A valentine card
I wish that he hadn't
It made me upset
It was the prettiest one
I could possible get
8, You, The Exquisite Part Of Valentines Day © Kaya De
Hearts are flying,
Stars are aligned,
So many valentine cards I will find
On top of my desk,
And under my chair,
I even found one tangled up in my hair,
Oh valentines day,
Valentines Day,
The love, how could you miss it,
There's something about it that makes it so exquisite,
Oh me, oh my,
How can it be true!
The exquisite thing is, you.
9, Valentines Day © Ashley Williams
Valentines Day is coming up, and I don't have a valentine, so now what shall I do?
Almost every boy has asked me, every one but Drew.
Who is this Drew person you say?
Oh only the boy I've been crushing on since the second grade!
He's funny, sweet and also very smart.
The rest of the boys are just mean, obnoxious and think it's funny to fart.
Well why hasn't he asked me, is it something I said?
Maybe it's my breath; I should have never eaten that garlic bread.
But wait, here comes Drew, walking down the hall, and O-M-G was it my name he just called?
He's walking my way, has my day come at last?
But Drew keeps walking and walking till my locker and I he pass.
Well what a bummer all he did was smile.
Well that's the most I've ever gotten from him in a while.
So I open my locker, about to start heading for class.
But I notice something, another valentines card.
I hope this ones the last.
I don't even want to read it because Valentines Day is coming up, and I don't have a valentine, so now what shall I do?
"Will you be my valentine" reads the card, signed from Drew.
10, I Have An Idea © Jade Valentine
I don't get valentines day,
it's rather a pickle.
I don't get why we fall in "Love" so hard,
I say it's a set up,
for our hearts to burst.
But girls love it so I guess it's a curse.
Everything is pink & red,
except for my hair
Everyone says "Oh, love is in the air"
But I thought it's not true.
Until I saw Lilly sitting over there,
My heart raced, I was quite scared.
I never had this feeling didn't know what to do,
So I went to my teacher and asked
"Have you been in love too?"
She smiled and laughed "of course I have
It's awful hard and worth the wait"
So I guess valentines day isn't so bad,
I mean I fell in love with Lilly.J.Labb
11. Cherish The Lovely Memories With Your Friend © Alex
I promise to love you
When your jokes are not funny.
I promise to love you
When you have no money.
I promise to love you
When you're sick and all snotty.
I promise to love you
When you're angry and grotty.
I promise to love you
When you're drunk and unruly.
I promise to love you
When you're hung over and drooly.
And I promise to love you
When you drive me 'round the bend.
I promise to love you
Because you are my best friend!
12. For Your True Valentine Friend © Arthur Vaso
They love you
When you defend them
They run
When you need a helping hand
Real ones are there in total silence
Called the silent ones
To massage the pain
Of a wounded soul
They were there long ago
They are there now in the snow
Holding hands
Never letting go
Wiping tears
Striking fears
Praying for good cheer
Please me lord
Serve me one more beer.
13. To Make Your Friend Feel Special This Valentine's © Karl Fuchs
People come and people go,
In and out of your life and so,
When one shines bright among the rest,
And is there when needed, you're truly blessed.
That is how I see you, friend of mine,
And why I'm sending this Valentine.
14. To Show How Amazing Your Life Is When You Have Friend © Delysia Hendricks
My closest friends, who number three
I heed not thus for loyalty
And neither camaraderie
But simply in proximity
They live not down my alleyway
Nor porch, nor in my house per se
But underneath my fringed toupee
They're in my head, well stowed away!
15. When Your Heart Is Filled With Love For Your Friend © Mizscorpio
You are my best friend; you belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs, but still nothing can tear us apart.
I know you as a sister, and I will always care.
Love, respect, and trust are the things we share.
I know you as a person; I especially know you as a friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
Right now, this second, this minute, this day,
Our sisterhood is here, is here to stay.
My friendship with you is special and true.
When we are together, we stick like glue.
When I'm in the darkness that needs some light,
When you're by my side, I know things are all right.
Our friendship is so strong; it breaks down bars.
Our friendship is also bright, like the sun and the stars.
If we were in a competition for friendships, we would get a gold,
Because responsibility and cleverness are the keys we hold.
I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend.
I hope our long friendship will never end.
Our friendship is like a magnet; it pulls us together,
Because no matter where we are, our friendship will last forever!
16. When Your Friendship Is Immortal © Robert Hinshaw
I have a pair of friends I've had for years
Should we part I would surely drown in tears
Together we've trod byways
Although we've seen better day
My scruffy old shoes that I bought at Sears.
17. A Cute And Short Poem For Your Lifelong Friend © Gwendolen Song
Trees like friends are always around
They allow me to nestle beneath their shade
When it seems like good friends can never be found
I counted twenty-something tree friends I've already made!
18. When You Spend Your Day Around Your Best Friends © Bobb Marly
Every night I see old Sand Man and he and I box a round or two.
And every morning I go fart around with old stinky John Loo.
Then it's time to relax and wake up with my best friend old Joe Black.
Then round about noon it's lunch with a fat fellow named Big Mac.
When it's cold or when it rains.
I see old Arthur Rightus he's really a pain.
Sometimes when life is rough old Jack Daniels comes to call.
When he's here I laugh and feel tall.
When he is gone I go to bed and fall in.
Then I fight with old Sand Man and hope that he wins.
19. When Your Friendship Is Just Treasured © Kelsi Nichols
Theeeeere's a Monkey on my face and on my eyes and on my nose
a' there's a Monkey on my chest and on my clothes!
a' there's a Monkey huggin' me
and there's a Monkey up a tree
and Monkeys are my bestest friends, thought you should know!
20. A Short And Sweet Poem Of Love © Mercedes
You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night.
You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.
You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.
You are my heart that beats inside.
You are the blood that flows through me.
You are the only guy I can see.
You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings.
You are my everything.
You are my one and only.
You stop me from being so lonely.
We plan our future as if we have a clue.
I never want to lose you.
I want you to be my husband, and I want to be your wife.
I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
21. For Your Eternal And Undying Love © Jrec
At times I may get mad at you.
Without any reason,
at times I might yell,
but hey, just know that I just want your attention.
I know at times I'm hard to deal with,
but please just try.
I know that I can be hard headed,
but one kiss from you makes me soft.
I can't be perfect, and I will never be,
but I promise you one thing –
no matter where life take us,
I will never leave or give up on you.
I will always stay by your side and
assure you that everything will be okay.
I will walk with you hand and hand
then smile and wipe your sorrow away.
I will never ever in a million years
ask for someone else
because no matter how hard they all try to compete with you,
they will never win…
because my heart will always belong to you.
22. These Wonderful Confessions © Monica Patrick
Take a walk with me, my sweet Gummy Bear
To a land where Nerds and Sweet Tarts are found everywhere
Fly over the Milky Way with me and let us Zero in on the moon.
I'll lick your Butterfingers and shake your Pop Rocks too.
For 100 Grand I would not give you away,
Or trade you in for a sweet and salty Payday.
In your arms, I find Sweet Bliss.
You're better than a cup of chocolaty Swiss Miss.
My Lifesaver, my sweetest love,
I hope you never leave me my chocolate Dove.
23. When Love Grows With Time © Karl and Joanna Fuchs
As time goes by from year to year,
One thing is surely true, my dear;
Though decades come and decades go,
Just seeing you sets me aglow.
Time shifts my body; I start to sag,
When I pass a mirror, it can make me gag.
My joints all ache; I can hardly move;
Still a smile from you, and I'm in the groove.
Getting older can be a pain,
But with you along, I can't complain.
Despite the things that we go through,
I know I'll never stop loving you.
Your loving heart turns life to play,
As we laugh at time from day to day.
So I write this poem, and I'll hang my sign,
Saying, "Always Be My Valentine."
→ More Valentine poems collections:
- Romantic Poems For Sweet Valentines Day
- Valentine's Day Alone Poems
- Short Poems About Valentines Day
- Valentines Day Poems For Her And Him
- Valentines Day Poems For Wives And Husbands
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